Novec 1230
Novec 1230 extinguishing gas system

Novec 1230 extinguishing gas system

Extinguishing gas systems using Novec 1230 gas are designed for ensuring the safety of manned/unmanned spaces containing valuable equipment. The investment in a system using Novec 1230 is low compared to the loss of property or electronic data caused by a fire. Damage and business interruption are kept to a minimum, while your staff are optimally protected.


Novec 1230 extinguishing gas provides optimum safety for control rooms, computer rooms, machine rooms, cable basements, telecommunications rooms, turbine generator enclosures and archives.

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The system

How is the system built?

  • Storage cylinder(s);
  • Piping;
  • Nozzles;
  • Valves;
  • Electrical, pneumatic or manual activation;
  • Control panel.

Chemical suppression systems consist of one or more storage cylinders, ideally outside the protected area. The cylinders are filled with extinguishing gas condensed to liquid and pressurised to 25 bar at 20°C using nitrogen. Operation is based on physical cooling of the flame at a molecular level, such that the heat is literally removed from the flame front so that the burning stops. The Novec 1230 extinguishing gas works quickly because these systems are designed to achieve the minimum concentration in 10 seconds or less.

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Why the novec 1230 system?

Benefits at a glance

  • Safe and harmless for people and equipment;
  • No collateral damage or residue;
  • Quick and effective extinguishing;
  • Non-electrically conductive;
  • Space-saving.

The gas is non-electrically conductive, non-corrosive and leaves no particles or other residue behind; as a result, it is safe when used in the presence of electrical equipment.


Due to the absence of bromine or chlorine, Novec 1230 causes no damage to the ozone layer. A short atmospheric lifetime and a low greenhouse value make Novec 1230 the most environmentally-friendly chemical extinguishing gas available worldwide.

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